Actually this is the correct one.

true_salon_hair_care_productsSure you can buy practically everything online these days, including hair care products, but is it really wise to buy everything? There’s a general perception that buying online can save money, and that may be true for some items, but not for everything. When you consider the additional costs of shipping and handling, along with the personal consultation you won’t get when buying online, you might not be getting as much savings as you think, and it might not even be worth it.
Since we require all of our trUe staff to use the hair care products we recommend, we’re able to talk with you about what works best for you, how it works, and why. This’s different from advice you might get from the “chat” box that pops up on some product websites.
At first glance, hair care products sold in the salon may seem more expensive compared to those online prices, but consider this:

  • With the amount of money you spend on your service (it could cost more than $100 for a hair color/cut service) why would you risk that great look on cheap products or something online that you’re not really sure of?
  • The trUe crew are hair care professionals who know what works and what doesn’t for each client, so they can recommend the best items for you. You wouldn’t avoid taking a medication your doctor prescribes, right? Why dismiss your hair care professional?
  • We recommend superior products, like MoroccanOil, Aquage and Keratin Complex for example, that contain exceptionally pure ingredients for healthy, shiny hair. Most of these products provide about 80 uses, for average length hair, which breaks down to about 20 to 38 cents per shampoo. Other brands we recommend, like TRI and Soma, can cost even less – about 10 to 20 cents per use. Not too shabby for great looking hair. Plus, buying it in the salon avoids the additional shipping and handling fees.
  • Since our product recommendations are tailored for your look and style, we’re confident you’ll look and feel great. But if you find a product that’s just not for you, bring it back and we’ll work together until we find something that’s perfect. That’s a personal touch you won’t get online.
  • We recommend clients use less shampoo – shampooing only 4 or 5 days a week does the trick. This cuts down on the amount used and helps save money.

If you’re still not sure about what hair care products to use or where to buy them, the best option is to visit trUe and talk with our staff. We’ll be happy to help you. Our job isn’t to sell you product. It’s to make you look and feel great, and to make sure you enjoy your trUe experience, every time you visit.